====== 5.9 UniFi Controller Consolidated Change Log ====== ===== 5.9.24 ===== Controller bug fixes/changes since 5.9.22: * Default Dashboard: update layout. * Anomalies widget: use preffered stats timezone. * Display only whole numbers in User count graph. * Setting -> Maintenance (and others) - fix busy spinner showing on non-related buttons. * Fix refreshing Assoc. widget and Dashboard Navigation optimization. * Fix overlapping icons inside nav menu. * Fix: AP name in AP Retry Rate chart tooltip is sometimes missing. * Prevent AP Retry Rate plot higher than 100% for old firmware. * Fix incorrect height of empty dashboard widgets on a narrow screen. * Prevent Association Failures, WiFi Clients and Time To Associate widgets to interfere with each other. * Fix case when Clients tab in Property Panel is not working. * Fix some bugs in Fast Roaming provisioning. * Fix rogue count in Radio AI. * Fix a migration issue. * Topology: truncate ESSID if too long (more than 14 chars). * Topology: fix reported LAN clients when using LACP on USW. * Don't exclude all port forwarded ports from policy routing. * Don't mark devices that are `Managed By Other` as upgradable. * Various bug fixes and improvements. ===== 5.9.22 ===== Controller bug fixes/changes since 5.9.20: * Add description to DPI blocking rules. * Fix inverted TX/RX column headers. * Various bug fixes and improvements. ===== 5.9.21 ===== Controller bug fixes/changes since 5.9.20: * Fix default Cloud Access default when creating new admin. * Various bug fixes and improvements. ===== 5.9.20 ===== Controller bug fixes/changes since 5.9.16: * Add modal to confirm override inform url in Settings/Controller. * Fix controller settings for reporter. * Fix translations for unavailable modules on Custom Dashboard. * Fix case when 'Edit widgets' button is (not) visible when it should(n't) be. * Reset button in Site settings not available when Download/Upload values were changed via Pre-populate option. * Fix AP downlinks accordion heading. * Fix the ability to disable port forward entries. * Fix a condition which may prevent the admin's ability to disable UniFi Cloud access. * Update free space alert. * Take locally configured WAN VLAN ID into account when adopting USG. * Various bug fixes and improvements. ===== 5.9.16 ===== Controller bug fixes/changes since 5.9.12: * Add enable port forwarding option. * Add firewall default match log control. * Dashboard Top Devices widget - Do not exclude devices with value equal zero (for example channel util.). * Remove TKIP only option from WPA security mode. * Fix bug that would reset USG port speed/duplex to defaults on controller upgrade. * Fix empty Clients list when coming from Dashboard with Clients Freq. Distribution widget present. * Fix default placeholder for country selection in Geo IP Filtering. * Fix navigation on mobile devices. * Fix handling controller offline and loading messages. * Fix for UI validation of supported User Groups Bandwidth Limit. * Fix translations in Terminal. * Statistics/Overview: sometimes Top AP traffic value is missing. * Hide icons for unused ports in property panel for USG. * Various bug fixes and improvements. ===== 5.9.12 ===== Controller bug fixes/changes since 5.9.10: * Improve integration with new Cloud Access * IPv6 leading zeros filtering on IPS view. * Add support for IPv6 on IPS view. * dd WAN Class of Service QoS tagging support, for Google Fiber and similar fiber ISPs that require it. * Fix left side bar navigation on small screen. * Fix: Right part of WiFi clients graph is cleared when Properties Panel is closed. * Fix calendar in events/alerts. * Fix debug terminal when UniFi Cloud access is disabled. * Restore controller's ID after site change and allow page to refresh. * Add setup size status for UniFi Cloud Key. * Allow forced adoption in case the adopted device limit is reached. * Various bug fixes and improvements. ===== 5.9.10 ===== New Features: * IPS Dashboard. * New Cloud Access integration. Controller bug fixes/changes since 5.9.9: * Updated Layout. * Downloading autobackup marked. * Add No-IP to the list of dynamic DNS providers. * Add toggle/expand all for IPS settings sections. * Improve labels for Local Login with UBNT Account feature. * Fix stacking "Devices with upgrades". * Dashboard Health Status should not indicate devices that are Disconnected during FW Upgrade. * Fix pagination on DPI Category view. * Fix: DPI Category view - categories not clickable. * Fix missing translation for disabled network. * Fix that WAN Interface in UPnP is not visible. * Fix empty stats when using WAN2 interface. * Improve binaryPrefix service to work with negative numbers. * Scheduled upgrades time ranges should respect 12/24h format settings from preferences. * "Show Pending Devices" should be enabled by default for all new Admins. * Tweak X axis tick resolution (switch from weeks to months at 4 months breakpoint, not 6 as was earlier). * Fix missing time range in chart's tooltip in case of 5 minutes granularity. * Various backend bug fixes and improvements. ===== 5.9.9 ===== Controller bug fixes/changes since 5.9.8: * Add Download Device Info button to get device information from backend cache. * Add tooltip for DHCP option 43. * Enable RF scanning for UAP-nanoHD. * Fix console error related with coverage on Google maps. * Fix AC-EDU Streams condensed list display. * Fix a bug with AC-IW/IW-Pro provisioning which caused traffic to stop forwarding when the management VLAN and a WLAN VLAN are the same. * Fix RADIUS accounting for switching products. * Various backend bug fixes and improvements. ===== 5.9.8 ===== Controller bug fixes/changes since 5.9.6: * Add Remove Payment button to transactions list. * Add Remove Personal Data button to transactions list. * Add: Maps labels - Reset options to All. * Clients list: display WiFi satisfaction as bar. * Performance improvements. * Update translations. * Dashboard: fix AP count glitches every update. * Fix duplicated OAuth redirect URIs. * Remove extra PHY port for USG-XG. * Update 'remember me' tooltip. * Omit /0 networks from USG guest firewall group config as they are unsupported. * Filter unsupported channel widths from auto-channel scan (reported HERE). * Fix device scale button. * Fix decoding UTF-8 characters over WebRTC connection. * Fix translations in Alerts side navigation popover. * Fix restoring from autobackup on SD card. * Various backend bug fixes and improvements. ===== 5.9.6 ===== New Features: * Analytic Reporting. Controller bug fixes/changes since 5.9.4: * Dashboard - AP retry rate: add legend. * Add TX power and EIRP to detailed view. * Add validation preventing duplicate fixed IPs. * Add STP block port event. * Improve client list performance. * Improve accuracy of reported wireless uplink candidates. * Rename duplicated translation key for connectivity monitor. * Grey out MAC filtering options when Enable filtering MAC address is unchecked. * Minor dashboard fixes (js console exceptions). * Use coordinates for auto-channel. * Disable host record for static DHCP mappings. * Fix "Time to associate" and "WiFi associations" widgets not loading correctly on custom dashboard. * Fix setting speed/duplex on disabled interfaces of USG-XG-8. * Fix a bug that could prevent admins from being able to switch sites. * Fix DNS rules for guest VLANs. * Temporarily limit MongoDB support to releases prior to 3.6.x (currently 3.4.14 is recommended). * Various backend bug fixes and improvements. ===== 5.9.4 ===== New Features: * IPS Signature Suppression. * Radio AI for automatic channel planning. Controller bug fixes/changes since 5.9.3: * Dashboard loading optimizations. * Use shorter country names. * WiFi Traffic distribution: Add warning when there are devices with not allowed channels. * Dashboard: allow last 1 hour time range. * Fix downloading autobackup via unifi.ubnt.com. * Fix editing WLANs via group config. * Fix filtering of top APs, and improve performance of stats filtering. * Fix available wireless uplinks so disabled radios/APs are not displayed. * Fix upgrade failed event when scheduled upgrade runs and device is on latest firmware. * Only enable source validation for single WAN use cases. * Various backend bug fixes and improvements. ===== 5.9.3 ===== New Features: * Add speed and duplex config for USG interfaces. * Add Fallback VLAN support for USW when using 802.1X. * Add local SSO login. * Add Controller HD and Micro SD free space monitoring to admin notification settings. Controller bug fixes/changes since 5.9.2: * Update translations. * Make popover-calendar scrollable for mobile view. * Improve reported topology when using wireless uplinks. * Fix missing coverage on SVG maps in some cases. * Fix incorrect client signal value in ap's property panel and clients list. * Fix Hotspot Manager and Site Overview with WebRTC connection. * Fix provisioning of RADIUS accounting when using MAC Authentication Bypass (MAB). * Fix a bug with L3 wireless adoption. * Fix downloading controller backup using Firefox. * Fix IPv6 PD Prefix ID validation and config generation. * Show the WLAN VLAN is RADIUS assigned in the WLAN list, when it is. * Hide Elite ToS accept button for unsupported countries. * Various backend bugfixes and improvements. ===== 5.9.2 ===== New Features: * Add UniFi app switcher. * Add per radio uplink control. Controller bug fixes/changes since 5.9.1: * Show more accurate client's device images in property panel. * Remove outdated dynamic dashboard preference. * Improve performance on new dashboard. * Fix info box display in Elite Device settings. * Fix Safari black ISP graphs. * Fix backup on Cloud Key. * Update dashboard modules translations. * Several wireless adoption/uplink improvements. * Various backend bugfixes and improvements. ===== 5.9.1 ===== New Features: * New Dashboard. * Add support IPS signature categories control. Controller bug fixes/changes since 5.8.10: * Allow setting Management VLAN at Access Points. * Allow customizing AC-IW/Pro Ethernet port profile. * Extend Client statistics signal level range. * Improve blocking opening device terminal for not supported devices. * IPS: limit USG3 category options. * Load App Designer library dynamically to make main app smaller. * Tweak Topology lines shape to avoid overlapping with text labels. * Topology: show wireless Client's channel. * Update translations. * Add labels to carousel arrows. * Allow to forget clients. * Topology on Safari - fix node labels position shifted up. * Show Hardware Offload as off when Smart Queues are enabled, don't allow it to be turned on. * Property Panel - workaround for text selection. * Fix position of popovers. * Update translations. * Encode USG hosted RADIUS user passwords in base64. * Various backend bugfixes and improvements.\\