====== 6.1 UniFi Controller Consolidated Change Log ====== ===== 6.1.26 ==== {(rater>id=6.1.26|name=6.1.26 Stability|type=vote|headline=off)}\\ [[https://community.ui.com/releases/UniFi-Network-Controller-6-1-26/7e6fc39f-6784-4558-8fba-ea130886f915|Community Forum Post (Beta)]]\\ === Important Notes === Release Stage: Beta This release is not supported by UDM-Base/UDM-Pro. This release requires 0.4.x or newer on the UXG-Pro. ===Improvements=== * Add new Devices page. * Add WiFi6 icon to property panel of devices that support WiFi6. * Add More New device categories on Device page. * Use an updated version of Bars chart to have improved performance. * Improve topology in reports from WiFiman app. * Improve the request to resolve fingerprint icon in Beta Clients page. * Show most Active clients and apps in New Dashboard. * Show assigned AP Groups in the property panel of an AP. * Show short names for 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz sections in Device Property panel. * Show test server name instead of ISP in WiFiman. * Update the left navigation bar style. * Update SSID length validation changed from 31 to 32. * Update USG property panel on new Devices page. ===Bugfixes=== * Fix peak client count being sometimes shown lower than current client count. * Fix not being able to click Next button in Schedule Upgrade form. * Fix being unable to save device SSH password, Allow hyphens in form validation of hostname. * Fix a runtime error in new dashboard caused by unrecognized browsers time zone. * Fix DPI App restrictions not getting applied when saved from New Settings. * Fix data usage representation for ULTE-Pro. * Fix peak client count being sometimes shown lower than current client count. * Fix sorting Port column in Clients Table. * Fix sorting clients table by IP. * Fix UDM Pro image appearance in Dashboard. * Fix Cannot open network form when missing ip aliases. * Fix WiFi Fast Roaming. * Ensure in Devices page the users choices for sorting and filtering the table are persisted. * Ensure 5G and 2G WiFi experience is shown separately for UDM Base in property panel. * Rectify the list of devices shown as unsupported for certain features. * Remove endpoint scan from Clients. * Close the survey modal 2 seconds after it has been submitted. * Handle unsuccessful page loads in WiFiman page by displaying a Toast. * Populate Up/Down column data on device page for U-LTE devices. * Allow deleting WAN2 after restoring UDM-Pro backup on USG setup. ===== 6.1.25 ==== {(rater>id=6.1.25|name=6.1.25 Stability|type=vote|headline=off)}\\ [[https://community.ui.com/releases/UniFi-Network-Controller-6-1-25/4b82a131-0237-4bf0-b6a0-aea14aac25fe|Community Forum Post (Beta)]]\\ === Important Notes === Release Stage: Beta This release is not supported by UDM-Base/UDM-Pro. This release requires 0.4.x or newer on the UXG-Pro. ===Improvements=== * Improve performance and loading time between pages. * Improve topology on WiFiman page. * Improve translation for UDM commit error notification. * Handle unsuccessful load of WiFiman page by displaying a Toast. * Enable New Settings & Clients pages by default. * Enable Auto Scale Network for the default network created during the setup. * Remove default limit values in ULTE Pro setup steps. * * Add more columns to Clients table. * Add USW-Aggregation-Pro device images. * Add modulation to WiFiman info. ===Bugfixes=== * Fix data usage representation for U-LTE. * Fix user experience for Table on Clients page. * Fix ULTE data limit configuration saving errors. * Allow to disable RADIUS without password. * Remove incorrect errors for firmware upgrade. * Remove custom upgrade option for UDM. * Close the survey modal 2 seconds after it has been submitted. * Do not show soft limit warning if limit for U-LTE-Pro is disabled. * VLAN settings are not provisioned for Wireless Uplink on UDM-Base. * Don't count UAP's BSSIDs as clients. * Update data warning label. ===== 6.1.23 ==== {(rater>id=6.1.23|name=6.1.23 Stability|type=vote|headline=off)}\\ [[https://community.ui.com/releases/UniFi-Network-Controller-6-1-23/1d35112c-4040-4fe5-b049-fc71d86ae962|Community Forum Post (Beta)]]\\ === Important Notes === Release Stage: Beta This release is not supported by UDM-Base/UDM-Pro. This release requires 0.4.x or newer on the UXG-Pro. ===Bugfixes=== * Add event handling for missing DHCP Relay Server. * Add support for USW Aggregation Pro. * Optimize the initial load time of the New Dashboard page. * Update Alerts and Events section layout. * Update icons for content filter section. * Free package trial rule updates. ===Known issues=== * Fix for New Dashboard banner overlapping with content. * Fix form validation in New Settings for cases when hostname includes hyphens. * Fix screen becoming blank when clicking "cancel" during AP edit or create. * Fix Network Controller crashing the UniFi OS Portal upon quick navigation. * Fix provisioning WiFiman settings. * Fix DHCP link and WiFi module placeholders. * Disable SSID action buttons upon initial click while controller is processing the request. * Rectify the information presented in the "Internet" table in New Settings. * Ensure that editing device name is disabled on UDM systems only. * Resolve the 'Module "base-unifi" is not available!' error that appears when trying to load UniFi Network controller in cloud. ===== 6.1.21 ==== {(rater>id=6.1.21|name=6.1.21 Stability|type=vote|headline=off)}\\ [[https://community.ui.com/releases/UniFi-Network-Controller-6-1-21/f11067bc-46b7-4eeb-a29c-e2687598f12f|Community Forum Post (Beta)]]\\ === Important Notes === Release Stage: Beta This release is not supported by UDM-Base/UDM-Pro. This release requires 0.4.x or newer on the UXG-Pro. === Improvements === * Add WiFi6 icons to U6 devices. * Add info and link to DHCP Relay in Network form. * Dashboard - Add loading state animation with an unpopulated Dashboard skeleton. * Beta Settings - SSH section validation improvements. * Show placeholders instead of WiFi experience chart in the new Dashboard when there are no APs. * Improved U-LTE Pro set-up wizard with options to remove data limit. * Option to select PAP, CHAP, PAP-CHAP for U-LTE Pro authentication profiles. === Bugfixes === * Fix Dashboard crashing when there is no Gateway. * Fix Settings - Security - internet threat management page not opening on UCK. * Fix users being unable to save Threat Management changes. * Fix empty SSID from backup breaking WiFi form. * Fix error occurring in network table parsing when disconnecting devices. * Show a placeholder if users have no APs adopted. ===== 6.1.20 ===== {(rater>id=6.1.20|name=6.1.20 Stability|type=vote|headline=off)}\\ [[https://community.ui.com/releases/UniFi-Network-Controller-6-1-20/56c5fccf-4018-4b89-9337-33aa621b7daf|Community Forum Post (Beta)]]\\ === Important Notes === Release Stage: Beta This release is not supported by UDM-Base/UDM-Pro. This release requires 0.4.x or newer on the UXG-Pro. Please report any issues you encounter with this release using the [[https://community.ui.com/report-bug/|Report Bug form]]. === Improvements === * Configure Internet Provider capabilities per each WAN. * Move ISP Capabilities form to "Internet" section in Beta settings. * Remove ISP Capabilities form from Classic settings. * Add U6 images in both classical and Beta sections. * Enable WiFiman page. * * For UDM/UXG platforms only. === Bugfixes === * Skip invalid addresses when generating firewall rules to prevent reconnecting issue. * Fix event handling for UDM-type devices. * Fix WifiMan device endpoint returning WAN IP for UDM when client connects directly to UDM, return local IP instead. * Fix missing UDM in WiFiman topology. * Make Default AP Group read only. * Disable alias for UniFi OS controller device. ===== 6.1.19 ===== {(rater>id=6.1.19|name=6.1.19 Stability|type=vote|headline=off)}\\ [[https://community.ui.com/releases/UniFi-Network-Controller-6-1-19/05b00ed5-fab3-4722-898d-0d1e33e0149a | Community Forum Post (Beta)]] === Important Notes === Release Stage: Testing This release is not supported by UDM-Base/UDM-Pro. This release requires 0.4.x or newer on the UXG-Pro. Please report any issues you encounter with this release using the [[https://community.ui.com/report-bug/|Report Bug form]]. === Improvements === * Enable New Dashboard for CloudKey with UXG-Pro. === Bugfixes === * Fix UDM ports in use shown in New Dashboard. * Fix saving DHCP Name Server in New Settings. * Fix manually changing subnet with a DHCP range in Network form. ===== 6.1.16 ===== {(rater>id=6.1.16|name=6.1.16 Stability|type=vote|headline=off)}\\ [[https://community.ui.com/releases/UniFi-Network-Controller-6-1-16/fb0a369e-1fdd-488e-95d1-6d4f5f236585 | Community Forum Post (Beta)]] === Important Notes === Release Stage: Testing This release is not supported by UDM-Base/UDM-Pro. This release requires 0.4.x or newer on the UXG-Pro. === Features === * Allow configuring destination IP at port forwarding. * Show "go to settings" toast on first AP adoption. === Improvements === * Multiple WAN IP addresses in Classic/Beta Settings. * * Multiple IP addresses for VPN Network. * * Multiple IPs for WAN: Add Port Forwarding Destination IP. * * Multiple IPs for WAN: Internet source IP. * * Move "Enable Smart Queues" tooltip to label. * Wake up the UDM/USW LCM screens when UniFi App accessing the controller. * Replace "Alpha" badges in New Settings with "Beta". * Improve handling of STARTTLS on SMTP. * Improve Plug-and-Play adoption on UniFi OS. * Add led color picker in New Elements Page. * Show adopt button for UBB only when pair is connected. * Update grid view in New Elements page. * Update "about" section in UBB Property panel in New Elements page. * Update controller timezone, hostname and name from UniFi OS. * Do not allow changing timezone, hostname and controller name in UniFi Network controller on UniFi OS systems. * Support disabling Modem Power Cycle for UXG-Pro. * Batch update RADIUS users. * Serve notifications from shared notification provider. * Add UXG-Pro outlet power cycle option. ** * Remove WiFi tutorial from search. * For UXG and UDM platform only. ** Requires newer UXG-Pro firmware. === Bugfixes === * Fix hostname validation. * Fix incorrect WLAN assignment when there are no WLANs without VLAN. * Fix toast notification issues on standalone devices. * Fix error when opening Property Panel of UDM Pro.